Add attachment to order email in Magento

Many times there arise the need to attach files to the order mail. I am giving here a brief explanation for this: I have used Magento ver. ( In previous version there was no mailer class). 1) Rewrite Sales Class Copy the file found at app\code\core\Mage\Sales\Model\Order.php to app\code\local\Mage\Sales\Model\Order.php Overwrite the `sendNewOrderEmail()’ method found. Here […]

Event and Observer in Magento

There is an Event-Observer methodology used in Magento, Magento has been programmed to raise events in crucial areas of the flow. We can use these events for our requirement. I am describing here a way to use it. An example would be the event ‘checkout_onepage_controller_success_action’ (this has been use by me at many instances) which […]

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