Hello All, I am writing here the code to get various base directory paths, which might be useful. Assuming the directory is named ‘magento’ where your site is present and its the root directory of the filesystem.
Order State and Status in Magento
Many of you might have come across the requirement, where they needed to change the order status dynamically. Difference between order state and status State is used by Magento to tell if the order is new, processing, complete, holded, closed, canceled etc.; while Statuses are the one that YOU would be defining at the back-end […]
First and Last collection item in Magento
We the Magento developers work mostly with data collections. For accessing the data we use ‘foreach’ to iterate over collection. What if we need only the first or last item from the collection, Magento gives an alternate way to do this. If you your Collection data as XML, There’s a method for that also If […]
Get database connection details in Magento
I am writing here an important code snippet for getting the database connection details used in Magento
Get table prefix in Magento
Hello All, I am writing here an important code snippet for getting the table prefix (if any defined) in Magento.
Add attachment to order email in Magento
Many times there arise the need to attach files to the order mail. I am giving here a brief explanation for this: I have used Magento ver. ( In previous version there was no mailer class). 1) Rewrite Sales Class Copy the file found at app\code\core\Mage\Sales\Model\Order.php to app\code\local\Mage\Sales\Model\Order.php Overwrite the `sendNewOrderEmail()’ method found. Here […]
Limit results collection in Magento
Many times need arises to limit collection for say pagination or for any customization. I am listing here an example which shows how to limit the collection. I have used the Product Model below.
Pyramid program in PHP
Hello All, This is kind of fun stuff. I was bored and decided to build a Pyramid Program in PHP. Above code on execution will output Enjoy 🙂
Optgroup in Magento
For a module I was working on in one of my project, I needed to display a select box, with optgroup, Magento has inbuilt function for this. Kindly go through this post Select Box in Magento of mine for understanding how to generate select box before reading forward. For option group you need to pass […]
Event and Observer in Magento
There is an Event-Observer methodology used in Magento, Magento has been programmed to raise events in crucial areas of the flow. We can use these events for our requirement. I am describing here a way to use it. An example would be the event ‘checkout_onepage_controller_success_action’ (this has been use by me at many instances) which […]