Download the component :. Commercial version (with customizable features) : Visit . DW File Management Component and Plugin for uploading to, downloading and deleting files from Website based on Joomla 3 Framework. With the help of this plugin, by mentioning the file name or alias in the article, it will be replaced with its appropriate […]
DW Graph Component
Hello All, I have developed a new component and added it in my store, JED extension link DW Graph Component. Kindly rate and review. Graph Component for Joomla! 3
RSS Feed Reader Magento Extension
Hello All, Update [28-May-2019] : I have developed an extension for Magento 2 platform, check it out Dw Rss Feed Reader for Magento 2 I have developed an extension and posted on Magento Connect for free. DW Reader extension will enable the shop owner to display RSS Feed on any static/dynamic page of the shop […]
OrderProfit Magento Extension
Hello All, I have developed an extension and I am posting here for free. An extension that will add a ‘Profit’ column in Orders grid showing profit per order. Configuration setting are provided for disabling the column and editing the column header. Compatibility : Tested with Magento Community Edition 1.5, 1.6, 1.6.1,, 1.7 and […]
Date Time Input Magento
Hello, There are times when backend developer needs to create a form in admin end and we need to have an input box which accepts data and time. In this post I have explained the code for doing this. Open your form file, will be in app\code\local\[NameSpace]\[Module]\Block\Adminhtml\[BlockName]\Edit\Tab\Form.php There is a function _prepareForm() inside it. Add […]
Magento Set Admin Store
There are times when we need to use the admin access to execute tasks. For example you want to call admin URLs etc. There is a simple way to do that, you need to change the current store to admin store.
Get all product attributes in Magento
Hello All, I am writing here a simple but important code snippet for getting all the existing product attributes
Get creditcard type in Magento
Hello All, I am writing here a script snippet for getting the credit card type used in the order
Get customer order count in Magento
Hello All, I am writing here a script snippet for getting the orders count for given customer
Product Quantities Ordered in Magento
I am explaining here the way to display the total quantities ordered in the Product view page. I have used Magento version 1) Block file Create a file app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/View/Quantity.php (note the codepool is ‘local’ ) Copy this code in the file and save the file. 2) View File Create a file app/code/design/frontend/default/default/template/catalog/product/view/quantity.phtml I have […]