I am mentioning here a quick way to get the table schema format. Steps 1) Login to your database using mysql -u {username} -p -h {host_name> -D {database_name} 2) Execute query SELECT TABLE_NAME AS `Table`, ROW_FORMAT AS `Format` FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = “{database_name}” 3) Primarily there are two types of format Dynamic and Compact […]
Adobe Commerce Cloud Services Details
Ways to check Adobe Commerce Cloud Services Details like PHP, ElasticSearch, Redis, MySQL
CSV import in Magento 2
Magento 2 has a CSV processor, that is being used to import and export product and customer related data. In my earlier post I explained a way to generate a CSV. I am explaining here a way to import a CSV to update inventory of the existing products. Here as seen simply you can call […]
CSV export in Magento 2
Magento 2 has a CSV processor, that is being used to import and export product and customer related data. For one of my project I had to generate a CSV of the information I received for a product(s) from an API and use the same CSV as an input file for updating the quantity of […]
Amazon SNS with Magento 2
Updates [April 15,2023] : I have developed an extension for this, please purchase from link Promotion SMS Extension. In one of my project I had to use AWS SNS service to send an SMS from Magento I am explaining here a basic way to implement the same 1) Refer aws-sdk-php to install AWS SDK Guide […]
Custom CLI commands Magento 2
Magento 2 enables your component to add commands to the default CLI Magento has one command-line interface that performs both installation and configuration tasks: /bin/magento. I am explaining here a way to add custom commands for your module. 1) Create a Command class, I have created a custom class at app/code/DW/Interface/Console/OrderCron.php. 2) Declare your Command […]
Custom Log File in Magento 2
Magento provides multiple types of logs by default (info, notice, warning, critical etc) Recently I had to use custom log files for a custom module that I implemented. I will try to explain here the multiple approaches to do that, a) Set a custom file in your module’s di.xml file In the di.xml file of […]
Tax block in cart page of Magento 2
I am explaining here a way to remove the estimated tax block seen in the summary section of cart page Create a file checkout_cart_index.xml at the location app/design/frontend/Dw/green/Magento_Checkout/layout/ (Dw/green is a custom theme) Copy the content as seen below in the layout file Also in case you want to remove the heading as well than […]
Stock configuration using Magento API
In one of my post I explained the basics of SOAP API, please refer Magento SOAP API before proceeding further I am listing here the methods to update Product’s stock related information using SOAP API Hope this is helpful
MySQLi with PHP
Below is the simple PHP script to connect database using mysqli Hope this is helpful.