I am mentioning here a quick way to get the table schema format.
1) Login to your database using mysql -u {username} -p -h {host_name> -D {database_name}
2) Execute query
SELECT TABLE_NAME AS `Table`, ROW_FORMAT AS `Format` FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "{database_name}"
3) Primarily there are two types of format Dynamic and Compact
You can use below queries to check the details further,
SELECT TABLE_NAME AS `Table`, ROW_FORMAT AS `Format` FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "{database_name}" and ROW_FORMAT = 'Compact';
SELECT TABLE_NAME AS `Table`, ROW_FORMAT AS `Format` FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "{database_name}" and ROW_FORMAT = 'Dynamic';
Hope this is helpful.