One day I was just thinking about days spent by me on this earth, so I decided to make a script for the same.
I am writing here the code, just make a new empty php file and copy and paste the script and execute it to find out the days between two dates.
<h1>For finding days lived on earth</h1> <b>Select Date :</b> <form name="dob" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST"> <table width="300px"> <tr> <td><select id="dd" name="dd" title="Day" style="width:50px;"> <?php for($i=1;$i<=31;$i++) { $dd = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['dd']) && !empty($_REQUEST['dd'])) { $dd = $_REQUEST['dd']; } $dt = sprintf("%02d",$i); $sel = ''; if($dd==$dt) { $sel = 'selected="selected"'; } echo '<option value="'.$dt.'" '.$sel.'>'.$i.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> <td><select id="mm" name="mm" title="Month" style="width:50px;" > <?php $month_array = array(1=>'January',2=>'February',3=>'March',4=>'April',5=>'May',6=>'June',7=>'July',8=>'August',9=>'September',10=>'October',11=>'November',12=>'December'); for($i=1;$i<=12;$i++) { $mm = ''; $sel = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['mm']) && !empty($_REQUEST['mm'])) { $mm = $_REQUEST['mm']; } if($mm==$month_array[$i]) { $sel = 'selected="selected"'; } echo '<option value="'.$month_array[$i].'" '.$sel.'>'.$month_array[$i].'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> <td> <select id="yr" name="yr" title="Year" style="width:70px;" > <?php $current_yr = date('Y'); //get current year $start_yr = ($current_yr-100); $end_yr = ($current_yr-18); for($i=$start_yr;$i<=$end_yr;$i++) { $yy = ''; $yr = $i; $sel = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['yr']) && !empty($_REQUEST['yr'])) { $yy = $_REQUEST['yr']; } if($yy==$yr) { $sel = 'selected="selected"'; } echo '<option value="'.$yr.'" '.$sel.'>'.$yr.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> <tr> <tr><td colspan="3"><input type="submit" name="Sub" value="Go"/></td></tr> </table> </form> <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['Sub'])) { $dt = $_REQUEST['dd'].'-'.$_REQUEST['mm'].'-'.$_REQUEST['yr']; $selected_date = strtotime($dt); $tmp = date('d-m-Y',$selected_date); echo 'Selected Date :<b>'.$tmp.'</b><br/>'; echo 'Current Date :<b>'.date('d-m-Y').'</b><br/>'; $current_time = time(); $time_span = $current_time-$selected_date; echo 'Number of days till date :<b>'.ceil(abs($time_span / (60*60*24))).'</b>'; //sec * mins * days } ?>
Hope its fun 🙂