Hello All,
I am writing here a script for getting all the child categories of the required category id
<?php $category_model = Mage::getModel('catalog/category'); //get category model $_category = $category_model->load($categoryid); //$categoryid for which the child categories to be found $all_child_categories = $category_model->getResource()->getAllChildren($_category); //array consisting of all child categories id ?>
Hope this is useful
This will not count the disabled subcategories, do you have any trick for that?
Please check this post of mine, Category Tree Magento I have the added the condition explicitly
Hello… is it possible to arrange the child categories according to its order in the admin panel? Thank you so much! 🙂
Can you please elaborate your requirement ?, not able to get you
Didn’t get the code properly. I want to display all categories and all their subcategories to the end level. Can you provide some help?
@Nisha – Please check this post of mine Category Tree Magento
Nice one! Thanks!
Thank you very much! It helped me a lot to filter categories where i wanna print an Ad!
thanks a lot!
@fox – u r welcome
thanks !