Many times there arise the need to attach files to the order mail.
I am giving here a brief explanation for this:
I have used Magento ver. ( In previous version there was no mailer class).
1) Rewrite Sales Class
Copy the file found at app\code\core\Mage\Sales\Model\Order.php to app\code\local\Mage\Sales\Model\Order.php
Overwrite the `sendNewOrderEmail()’ method found.
Here you need to compose the attachment
Copy the below code and paste it just before $mailer->send();
I am attaching a simple pdf file which is inside var/docs/abc.pdf
//(by dw) //start $dir = Mage::getBaseDir(); $file_name = $dir.DS.'var'.DS.'docs'.DS.'abc.pdf'; //file path if(file_exists($file_name)) { $fileContents = file_get_contents($file_name); $fileName = 'abc.pdf'; $mailer->addAttachment($fileContents, $fileName); } //end
2) Rewrite mailer
Copy the file found at app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Email\Template\Mailer.php to app\code\local\Mage\Core\Model\Email\Template\Mailer.php
Add a function and define a protected variable in class Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template_Mailer
protected $_afile = array(); //(by dw) //custom (by dw) //start public function addAttachment($fileContents,$fileName) { $tmp = array(); $tmp['fileContents'] = $fileContents; $tmp['fileName'] = $fileName; $this->_afile = $tmp; return $this; } //end
Add code in send() method. In this method you will need to pass array of attachements
Add below metioned lines just before $emailTemplate->setDesignConfig…
if(!empty($this->_afile)) { $emailTemplate->setEmAttachments($this->_afile); //(by dw) }
3) Rewrite Template
Copy the file found at app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Email\Template.php to app\code\local\Mage\Core\Model\Email\Template.php
Add below mentioned methods and define a protected variable.
protected $_filedata = array(); //(by dw) //(by dw) //start public function setEmAttachments($attachments) { $this->setOrderAttachments($attachments); } public function getEmAttachments() { return $this->getOrderAttachments(); } public function setOrderAttachments($attachments) { $this->_filedata = $attachments; return $this; } public function getOrderAttachments() { return $this->_filedata; } //end
Add below mentioned code in send() method just before $mail->send() as shown.
//(by dw) //start $atInfo = $this->getEmAttachments(); if(!empty($atInfo)) { $_file = $mail->createAttachment($atInfo['fileContents']); $_file->type = 'application/pdf'; //the type should be as per your file $_file->filename = $atInfo['fileName']; } //end try { $mail->send(); $this->_mail = null; }
GitHub : Email Attachment
Put the code in site_root/app/code/
Hope this is helpful.
For further read – Email with attachment in Magento
Hi, I have used this code and sending attached pdf in new order email everything going good the mail i got is without attachment. I am uanable to find out the root cause
$dir = Mage::getBaseDir();
$file_name = $dir.DS.’var’.DS.’export’.DS.’orderpdf’.DS.$this->getIncrementId().’.pdf’; //file path
$fileContents = file_get_contents($file_name);
$fileName = $this->getIncrementId().’.pdf’;
$mailer->addAttachment($fileContents, $fileName);
}catch(exception $e){
echo $e;
file is there and folder is thre but attachement not working
Ajay, by this code snippet I am not able to conclude anything, request you to check the github link for my module, also you can send me link to your complete module to check