In one of my post I explained the basics of SOAP API, please refer Magento SOAP API before proceeding further
I am listing here the methods to create Categories and Products using SOAP API
1) Category
a) Category Creation
<?php $category_name = 'Test Category'; //create new category //start $category = array( 2, array('name'=>$category_name, 'display_mode' => PRODUCTS_AND_PAGE, 'is_anchor' => 1, 'is_active'=>1, 'default_sort_by'=>'name', 'available_sort_by'=>'name', 'custom_design' => 'default/default', 'custom_design_apply' => 1, 'page_layout' => 'three_columns' ) //1->yes,2->no //for is_active ); try { $newCategoryId = $proxy->call( $sessionId, 'category.create',$category ); } catch(Exception $e) { $msg = "Error inserting category: $category_name ".$e->getMessage(); echo $msg."<br/>"; } ?>
b) Category deletion
<?php // Ensure that category deleted try { // Delete product $proxy->call($sessionId, 'category.delete', $id);//$id is the category id of category to be deleted } catch (SoapFault $e) { $msg = "Error deleting category :".$e->getMessage(); echo $msg; sendmail($msg,'e'); } ?>
2) Product
a) Product Creation
<?php $qty = 10; $price = 100; $stock_status = 1; //in stock //get attribute list $attributeSets = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'product_attribute_set.list'); $set = current($attributeSets); //for new product //start $newProductData = array( 'name' => 'Test Product', // websites - Array of website ids to which you want to assign a new product 'websites' => array(1), // array(1,2,3,...) 'short_description' => 'Short description goes here', 'description' => 'Description goes here', 'price' => $price, //set price 'status' => 1, //for status enable //'status' => 2, //for status disable 'tax_class_id' => 0, 'visibility' => 4, //for displaying product in Catalog, Search //'visibility' => 1, //for not displaying product 'manufacturer' => 3 ); try { // product creation $proxy->call($sessionId, 'product.create', array('simple', $set['set_id'], 'SKU goes here', $newProductData)); } catch(SoapFault $e) { $msg = "Error in inserting product with sku $product_num : ".$e->getMessage(); echo $msg; } try { // product updation $proxy->call($sessionId, 'product_stock.update', array($product_num, array('qty'=>$qty, 'is_in_stock'=>$stock_status))); //1 -> in stock //0 -> out of stock } catch(Exception $e) { $msg = "Error in updating stock information for Product with sku $product_num : ".$e->getMessage(); echo $msg; } //end ?>
b) Product Updation
<?php //for product updation //start $updProductData = array( 'name' => 'Test Product', 'short_description' => 'Short description goes here', 'description' => 'Description goes here', //'price' => '1', 'status' => 1, //for status enable //'tax_class_id' => 0, 'visibility' => 4, //for displaying product in Catalog, Search //'manufacturer' => 3, //'qty' => 1, //'is_in_stock' => 1 ); try { $proxy->call($sessionId, 'product.update', array('SKU goes here',$updProductData)); } catch(SoapFault $e) { $msg = "Error in updating Product: ".$e->getMessage(); echo $msg; } //end ?>
b) Product Deletion
<?php // Ensure that product deleted try { // Delete product $proxy->call($sessionId, 'product.delete', $sku); //$sku - SKU of the product //echo "Product with $sku Deleted Successfully<br/>"; } catch (SoapFault $e) { $msg = "Error deleting product with $sku :".$e->getMessage(); echo $msg; } ?>
3) Assigning Product to Category
<?php try { $catid = 5; //cateory id to which product to be assigned // product assignment $proxy->call($sessionId, 'category.assignProduct', array($catid, 'Product SKU goes here')); //echo "<br/>Product $product_num assignment successfull"; } catch(Exception $e) { $msg = "Error in assigning product with sku $product_num :".$e->getMessage(); echo $msg; } ?>
Hope this is helpful
When assigning products to categories via API beware of this issue:
catalogCategoryAssignProduct execution time escalates linearly
thanks for the information
Note. deleting categories creates orphaned records in the catalog_category_product table, which is used to populate the categories array returned by the method.
delete from catalog_category_product where category_id not in (select distinct entity_id from catalog_category_entity);
is it possible to update inventory by SKU and other custom fields with magento API ?
@nil – Please refer this
What i have to change if i use SOAP V2?
@Sonic – In SOAP V2, there are separate methods for each action, instead of using methods call and multiCall. Please refer this for the difference Magento API
Thank you man… This was very useful.