Hello All,
I am posting here code for fetching website information from Store Group Id.
Also useful code showing relations between Stores, Groups and Websites.
< ?php $store_id = 1; //your required store Id will go here $store_model = Mage::getModel('core/store'); //store model $store_group_model = Mage::getModel('core/store_group'); //store group model $website_model = Mage::getModel('core/website'); //website model $store_data = $store_model->load($store_id); //load store object $group_id = $store_data->getGroupId(); //get store group id from the store $website_id = $store_data->getWebsiteId(); //get website id from the store $website_id = $store_group_model->load($group_id)->getWebsiteId(); //get website id from the store group id $website_obj = $store_group_model->load($group_id)->getWebsite();//get website object $group_ids = $website_obj->getGroupIds(); //get all group ids as array of the website $stores = $store_model->getCollection()->addGroupFilter($group_id); //get the stores from the existing store group foreach ($stores as $_store): $store_ids[] = $_store->getId(); //get store id endforeach; $stores = $store_model->getCollection()->addWebsiteFilter($website_id); //get the stores from the existing website foreach ($stores as $_store): $store_ids[] = $_store->getId(); endforeach; $store_ids = $website_model->load($website_id)->getStoreIds(); //get the stores array from the website id ?>