Hello all,
I am listing here the method to display Category Tree, you can further modify the script for getting products etc.
This can be written in any phtml file, but its a better practice to make a model for this.
<?php $cat_mod = Mage::getModel('catalog/category'); $_main_categories=$this->getStoreCategories(); if ($_main_categories): foreach ($_main_categories as $_main_category): if($_main_category->getIsActive()): $cid = $_main_category->getId(); $cur_category = $cat_mod->load($cid); $category_name = $cur_category->getName(); echo '-'.$category_name.'<br/>'; res($cur_category,'-'); endif; endforeach; endif; function res($cur_category,$s) { $children_categories = $cur_category->getChildrenCategories(); if(!empty($children_categories)) { $s .= $s; foreach($children_categories as $k => $v) { $all_data = $v->getData(); $nm = $all_data['name']; echo $s.$nm.'<br/>'; res($v,$s); } } } ?>
Hope this is helpful.
thankyou! this was helpful